SW6 One

There Is Only One

SW6 One a boutique media complex, housing creatives throughout Europe and Africa. Imagine a home for fresh new talent and experienced award-winning creatives alike.

They came to us for a rebrand with two goals. The first was the cement themselves in the market for creative studios. The second was to create a more approachable brand that differs itself from the elitist only narratives.

The Direction

We spoke the customers, staff and stakeholders to find out what people really want from SW6 One. We looked at the competitive studio business in London, England and similar metropolitan cities.

A hybrid complex, sophisticated but uncomplicated.


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Pantone Black 6 C

Royal Blue

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Pantone Blue 072 c

Pure White

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Pantone White 

Light Grey

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We had a great looking business and now we have a great looking brand to mirror that. studioluhv have gone beyond expectations and developed a strategy to heighten the user experience and improves customer retention.

Ray Michael, Founder, SW6 One

The Approach

A visual design language that speaks to the customer. An out of home solution in targeted music hubs, and a capsule clothing collection allowing customer’s to market the brand themselves.

Project Services

Name Generation
Creative Direction
Photo Art Direction
Merchandise Design
Business + Marketing Strategy
Website Design & Build
Graphic Design
Tone of Voice

studioluhv is the answer to the question. What would a creative agency look like that lived in the service of its customers? It would be bespoke, tireless, innovative and in luhv with a singular purpose, to change the lives of our clients through work we all luhv. 

We are a creative agency.

We brand, we market, we build.

We are studioluhv.